Specs for tv2.dk

Specifications in general


The specifications described on this page should be seen as guidelines, and TV 2 can at any time reject material or require it to be changed to match TV 2’s visual expression and design.

The following specifications describe the banner formats sold on TV 2’s digital platforms, including direct sales and programmatic (RTB).

  • TV 2 uses Google Ad Manager to serve banners.
  • Digital campaigns must be booked at least 5 working days before the campaign start for timely execution.
  • Banners must be delivered at least 2 working days before the campaign start date. TV 2 cannot guarantee execution at the campaign start in case of delayed delivery.
  • Banners should be sent to tv2trafficdigital@tv2.dk.
  • TV 2 supports most 3rd party tags used by media agencies or larger direct customers. Contact tv2trafficdigital@tv2.dk for clarification if needed.
  • A maximum of 5 different creatives per format can be delivered. If a campaign with more creatives is desired, contact tv2trafficdigital@tv2.dk to make arrangements.
  • Banners with high CPU usage may be blocked by the browser. TV 2 reserves the right to stop campaigns that significantly delay page load.
  • HTML5 is recommended for creating animated ad material. Flash banners (.swf) are not supported on TV 2’s digital platforms.
  • Banners must not be positioned with inline CSS, and the Z-index must not be set on the banners.
  • Banners must not contain scripts that interact with other elements on the page and disrupt TV 2 content.
  • All banner material must include a landing page link/URL. For HTML banners, follow Google’s guide to clickTag: https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/7046799#clicktagguideline. Specify the clickTag function in the materials or use an iframe parameter.

Right to immediate changes reserved – including reservations for printing errors, price changes, and sold-out stock.

Animations and loops 


  • Ads may loop a maximum of 3 times. The maximum total animation time is 45 seconds – regardless of the number of loops.
  • Animations before user interaction (in the form of clicks or mouse-over) must be written in CSS3 Transitions, Transforms, or Animation – or with GSAP libraries hosted on Cloudflare CDN called as:

<script src=”https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js”> 


  • Non-GSAP JavaScript animations are not allowed before user interaction in the form of clicks or mouse-over.
  • Frame rate in animations in banners is limited to a maximum of 18 fps.
  • No processor-heavy animations before user interaction on the form of clicks or mouse-over.
  • Banners must not contain persistent, fast “stroboscopic” animations of graphics, text, colors or background elements.



TV 2 Nyheder

Platforms: iOS + Android 

Formats: 320×160, 320×320, 728x90


TV 2 Sport

Platforms: iOS + Android 

Formats: 320×160, 320×320, 728x90


Subject to change without notice - including printing errors, price changes and items being out of stock. 


TV 2 Vejr 

Platforms: iOS + Android 

Formats: 320×160, 320×320, 728x90


TV Tid

Platforms: iOS + Android 

Formats: 320×160, 320×320, 728x90 

Click tracking 


If you choose to code your banners, you should follow these guidelines.

When delivering HTML banners, the material must either contain a clearly defined clickTag function or an iframe parameter that we can send a click-redirect with. Without this, we cannot guarantee that clicks on your campaign will be registered correctly. If you have questions, you can contact us at tv2trafficdigital@tv2.dk.

Example of inserting clicktag in an HTML banner:

  1. Insert the following script in the <head> tag of the banner:

<script type='text/javascript'> var clickTag = 'insert Click-URL here'; </script>

This script defines an empty clickTag.

  1. Find the function that handles the user's click event. This can often be identified by searching for "window.open".
  2. Replace the URL in the click function (e.g., window.open) with a reference to the clickTag. Example:

Original code:


Revised code:


Your banner will then use the URL provided by the media when the banner is loaded. This allows Google Ad Manager to correctly register clicks on the banner.

You can find more information here: https://support.google.com/dfp_sb/answer/7046799#clicktagguideline

Right to immediate changes reserved – including reservations for printing errors, price changes, and sold-out stock.

Custom fonts


It is recommended to avoid using custom fonts. If they are used, only embed the characters actually used in the banner.

Note: If entire font libraries are included, the banner can quickly exceed the 100 kB limit.

Right to immediate changes reserved – including reservations for printing errors, price changes, and sold-out stock.



Ensure that HTML banners are tested for use in iframes, as they are often loaded in the media's ad server this way.

Banners must not contain scripts that interact with other elements on the page. This can risk damaging or altering the page's content.

Right to immediate changes reserved – including reservations for printing errors, price changes, and sold-out stock.

Javascripts in DOM structure  


Banners must not contain scripts that interact with other elements on the page, as this can disrupt TV 2’s content. It is also important that wmode is set to transparent.

The banner must be inserted relatively in the DOM structure and placed in the div from which it is called. Therefore, it must not be placed directly under <BODY>.

The expand function must be able to open and close either by mouse-over/mouse-out or by click. It must always be possible to navigate the page afterward.

Right to immediate changes reserved – including reservations for printing errors, price changes, and sold-out stock.

Scrolling and mobile banners


Mobile banners must not block vertical scrolling, as this can lead to accidental clicks and irritate users.

Avoid using touchstart as a replacement for click in mobile banners, as touchstart is activated when the user scrolls.

Right to immediate changes reserved – including reservations for printing errors, price changes, and sold-out stock.

Server calls


The number of server calls from a banner must be limited to a maximum of 18 calls during the initial load and no more than an additional 15 calls during polite load to avoid unnecessary impact on the page's performance.

It is also recommended to place as much of the content as possible directly in the banner's code rather than in external files that need to be fetched separately.

To further reduce the number of server calls, external graphics should be combined into sprites as much as possible.

Right to immediate changes reserved – including reservations for printing errors, price changes, and sold-out stock.


Subject to change without notice - including printing errors, price changes and items being out of stock. 



Banner material must be HTTPS / SSL compatible.

Banners that call content via the HTTP protocol risk being blocked or only partially displayed.

Right to immediate changes reserved – including reservations for printing errors, price changes, and sold-out stock.


Video og audio 


Streaming video in banners may use autoplay, as long as it complies with the rules on weight and load procedure. However, it is important to note that autoplay is not allowed on mobile or tablet.

Videos with autoplay must never start with sound.

Streaming audio in banners must be activated by the user. On mouse over, there must be a one-second delay before the sound starts, and it must stop automatically on mouse out. If the sound is activated via click, there must be a clearly visible mute button available.

The media does not generally host streaming unless otherwise explicitly agreed in advance.

Streaming in banners must also be a maximum of 10 MB after the user has taken an active action.

If the banner contains sound, it is required that there is a clearly visible stop or mute button.

Right to immediate changes reserved – including reservations for printing errors, price changes, and sold-out stock.



Regardless of format, a banner may load a maximum of 100 kB with the following exceptions:

The limitation only applies to the initial load. Data fetched via polite load is not included in the 100 kB calculation.

If the banner requires a larger weight than 100 kB, this must be done via polite load (maximum 1 MB). Polite load may only occur after the browser event onload.

Loading libraries from the following commonly used CDN services does not count towards the 100 kB limit. The following libraries are allowed:

GSAP from Cloudflare

Latest versions of jQuery:

CDN libraries must be fetched via HTTPS.

Data fetched as a result of user interaction does not count towards the 100 kB limit.

Right to immediate changes reserved – including reservations for printing errors, price changes, and sold-out stock.